{ "name": "Kite Visuals", "description": "Welcome to our kite visuals photography, established in 2013 and now thriving with a talented team of nine members. with a passion for capturing moments that last a lifetime, we specialize in providing exceptional photography and videography services. from weddings and family portraits to corporate events and product shoots, we offer a diverse range of professional photography solutions tailored to suit your needs. with our dedicated in-house editing team, we ensure that every image and video receives the utmost attention to detail, resulting in stunning visual narratives that truly reflect the essence of your story. trust us to transform your cherished memories into timeless works of art.", "prefer_related_applications": true, "related_applications": [ { "platform": "play", "url": "https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=in.photomall.app.kitevisuals", "id": "in.photomall.app.kitevisuals" } ], "start_url": "..\/..\/", "display": "standalone", "background_color": "#f3ae28", "theme_color": "#ffffff", "orientation": "portrait-primary", "icons": [ { "src": "https:\/\/cdn.photomall.in\/photomall\/studio-icon-zjwknrf0_192", "sizes": "192x192", "type": "image\/png" }, { "src": "https:\/\/cdn.photomall.in\/photomall\/studio-icon-zjwknrf0", "sizes": "512x512", "type": "image\/png" } ] }